• 3019 N Shannon Lakes Dr., STE 201 Tallahassee, FL 32309
  • Phone850.668.8525

Financial Healthcare Strategies, LLC (FHS) is a national healthcare consulting firm providing services to healthcare associations, hospitals, managed care organizations, provider organizations, nursing homes, and government agencies.

Financial Healthcare Strategies offers experience in healthcare accounting and government reimbursement programs to our clients. In addition, we have working relationships with other professionals in the areas of clinical/medical, health outcomes, analytics and fiscal/economic research that we partner with to offer a full scope of services to our clients. Financial Healthcare Strategies maintains strong relationships with the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration and other government agencies to facilitate the goals of our clients.

Related Experience

As managing member and principal consultant, John A. Owens offers clients specialized knowledge acquired during 30 years of diverse accounting, health care financial and policy experience. Over 25 years have been concentrated in Medicaid program reimbursement and policy areas for institutional and individual providers.

As Bureau Chief with the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration, Office of Medicaid Program Analysis, Mr. Owens was directly responsible for hospital, long term care and other institutional reimbursement programs including policy development and regulatory interpretation and administration. Mr. Owens continues to be one of the principal parties in developing the Florida Medicaid Upper Payment Limit Program. Mr. Owens also had primary responsibility for the Medicaid budget development and fiscal oversight of all provider and institutional payments for the $11 Billion annual program.

During his tenure with the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration, Mr. Owens also served as Bureau Chief of the Florida Medicaid Program Integrity Division. In this position, he was responsible for all provider audits, investigation and development of cases for criminal prosecution referral and application of civil and administrative penalties for Medicaid billing infractions.
Prior to joining the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration, our founder and principal served in a regional public accounting firm in Florida for six years. Mr. Owens is a licensed certified public accountant in the State of Florida.

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